domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

Ready for adventure?

 ENGLISH 5th Grade: We have studied as theory many kinds of  adventure sports, so now you can watch these videos and see them in the practice. The place is the amazing New Zealand, where you can practice every adventure sport that is invented. Enjoy them!!


11 comentarios:

  1. E visto los vídeos y molan.Hay muchas actividades que me gustan pero no las haría.Al igual,el vídeo esta en ingles.E intentado entenderlo,pero cuesta.¡¡¡¡¡HABLAN TAN RÁPIDO¡¡¡

  2. esto era para quinto¡¡¡no me habia dado cuenta lo siento¡¡¡

  3. jet-boat que locura,,..,,..,,..,,..,,..,,..,,..,,..

  4. esta muy chulo sobre todo los vídeos

  5. No importa, Pedro, en 5º hemos visto los deportes de aventura, pero también es interesante para vosotros, así si os ofrecen practicar bungee jumping ¡ya sabéis lo que es!

  6. Con respecto a la rapidez, son nativos, es como cuando Cindy intenta entenderos en's difficult.
    If you could practice any of these sports, which one would you choose???

    1. I will practice rappel and you??

    2. Bungee jumping and rappel, you're brave!! but I've practiced rafting, and I think I will repeat the experience, It was fun!
      I'm sure that I would never do bungee jumping :S

  7. im agre with pedro the person ofthe
    video speak very quicly but i try to understand
