martes, 5 de marzo de 2013


Los niños son el fiel reflejo de sus padres: children see, children do?

What do you think about it? Don't be shy and express your opinions, but in English, please.

13 comentarios:

  1. No imitamos las cosas tan exsageradamente

  2. Yo también pienso lo mismo,y a la vez no.El padre o madre influye mucho en el hijo.El vídeo es un poco fuerte,pero,a la vez te enseña cosas que debes hacer y cosas que no debes hacer.Al menos esa es mi opinión.

    1. I think the same that you and as well the video it´s a little strong above specially in the final :(

  3. Sorry I don`t have answer in english

  4. Thaks to everybody who participated :) Next time in English, ok? I agree with Pedro in the sense that parents are our closest models, the video is stronger to make people think about it...

  5. Hola Amparo soy Alba f tambien pienso lo mismo que Juan

  6. Alba F. you should try to speak more English, it would help you to improve... I'm glad that Sara P. and Alba N. have made an effort :)

  7. ...That video make me cry But I´m whit Peter, sometimes not like in telephone ... When its wrong and my mother is angry with that I´m angry whit that hahahah. The final videoclip Is a little...We don´t immite that we proube to escape or call the police I think guys should do and not attack the mother

  8. ok amparo in your blog im goin to try to speak in english
